Using the list function with CSV files can be an issue since the List
stuff in CF doesn't recognize a blank column. So Something,,, only
returns 1 element.

The other thing is that excel does weird things with CSV files also.
There is a really nice java library called Ostermiller

That has a great CSV reader that I have had no trouble getting it to
properly parse any CSV you throw at it.


On 8/24/07, Steve Sequenzia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to write some code that takes a .csv file and inserts it into SQL.
> I am having issues with it reading the header. I would like to be able to 
> leave the header on the file and not have it insert the header data into the 
> DB.
> When I try to run it without a header I am having issues with it reading the 
> number of elements wrong. It is getting confused when a line has blank data 
> for the element.
> So it see following line as only having 8 elements when it should have 13:
> ,Zachary,Abbott,D.O.,,1720 Northbrook Drive,,Ann Arbor,MI,48103,[EMAIL 
> Here is my code:
> <cffile action="read" file="#file1#" variable="fileData">
> <cfloop list="#fileData#" delimiters="#Chr(10)##Chr(13)#" index="record">
> <cfquery name="qryInsert" datasource="physleads">
> INSERT INTO contacts (prefix, firstName, lastName, suffix, companyName, 
> address, address2, city, state, zipCode, phone, fax, email)
> values (
>  #listgetat('#record#',1, ',')#'
>  #listgetat('#record#',2, ',')#'
>  #listgetat('#record#',3, ',')#'
>  #listgetat('#record#',4, ',')#'
>  #listgetat('#record#',5, ',')#'
>  #listgetat('#record#',6, ',')#'
>  #listgetat('#record#',7, ',')#'
>  #listgetat('#record#',8, ',')#'
>  #listgetat('#record#',9, ',')#'
>  #listgetat('#record#',10, ',')#'
>  #listgetat('#record#',11, ',')#'
>  #listgetat('#record#',12, ',')#'
>  #listgetat('#record#',13, ',')#'
> )
> </cfquery>
> </cfloop>
> Any help with this would be great.
> Thanks.

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