> Hi there
> I'm really stuck on this issue - have been trying to work it out for
> several hours so would really appreciate some input as to what I need to do.
> I have displayed on screen an option where a user can select a month of a
> year to select specific data.
> <table>
> <form action="avgHours.cfm" method="post" name="form1">
>    <tr class="printhide">
>       <td align="center">
>          <b>Graph Comparison Month</b>
>         <select name="timedate_period" onChange="document.form1.submit()">
>         <cfloop query="CHECK_Periods">
>                <option value="#timedate_id#" <cfif form.timedate_period eq
> Check_Periods.timedate_id>selected</cfif>>#dateformat(dateend, "mmmm yyyy")#
>         </cfloop>
>         </select>
>          <input type="submit" value="Generate Report"
> style="font-weight:bold;color:dodgerblue;background-color:white;border:none;">
>      </td>
>      </tr>
>      <tr class="printhide"><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
> </form>
> </table>

<cfloop query="people">
    <cfset col_count = col_count + 1>
    <!--- get people query --->
    <cfquery name="getpeopleData" datasource="#application.vds#">
     SELECT  (peopleSummaryBilledDays*#billable_hoursperday#) +
peopleSummaryBilledHours AS peopleSummaryBilledHours,
     FROM  dbo.peopleSummary AS ps
     INNER JOIN dbo.People AS p ON p.people_Id = ps.peopleSummary_peopleId
     WHERE  peopleSummaryPeriod = #thisperiod#
     AND   people_id = #people_id#
     ORDER BY  people_LastName


                    <!--- Display the hours for each person for each month -
if no hours then -   --->
                    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
                        <tr align="right">
       <td style="border-bottom:1 aqua solid">
        <cfif IsNumeric(getPeopleData.peopleSummaryBilledHours)>
         <cfset hrstot[col_count] = hrstot[col_count] +
         <cfset coltot1[col_count] = coltot1[col_count] + 1>
         <cfset hrs = hrs + getPeopleData.peopleSummaryBilledHours>
         <cfif whatmonth eq thisperiod>
          <cfset comparehrs[col_count] =


Basically what I have - I have a table being displayed on the screen a bit
like the following:

Year          2006
Select Month   Aug

People            Albert            Brown            Craig           Totals
Hrs July             20                  30
40                90
Hrs Aug             10                  20                 20

Total                  30                 50
60               140
Avg                    15                 25
30               70

What I would like to do is let the user select a month - and when they do
this highlight on the table the month which they have selected.

Its probably simply but I am really struggling with this.

I need to try and complete this in the next 6-10 hours so any feedback and
info would be really appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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