Sure.  It follows basically the same principle.


This is, btw, a fairly inefficient regex, so I wouldn't run it against, 
say, a K of data at a time, but for 8 chars, I expect the regex engine 
overhead will be larger.  In other words, for your purposes, it's fine.

(Not tested, YMMV)

--Ben "HoF Regex Ninja" Doom

Kenny Kinds wrote:
>> Being the RegEx Ninja, my first thought is to use a regex:
>> ([a-z0-9])\1
>> will find any instance of a character next to itself, so if you refind() 
>> for it across your string, you can find the repeating chars.
>> --Ben Doom
>> Kenny Kinds wrote:
> Thanks. 
> I have one more question as, in the string I need to check for sets of 
> characters because the password cannot have more that 2 sets of the same 
> letters or numbers. ex. (xy, xy).
> Is there a RegEx that can accomplish this?
> Thanks in advance. 

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