I am new to CFEXECUTE. I am trying to use cfexecute to restart apache2.2 on
max OSX (unix file structure) when a new virtual host is added or when the
aliases are updated within a host (eg, new directories are added that must
be aliased). Apache doesn't recognize these changes until restart. So I have
written code to add the new virtual host/alias settings in the vhosts
directory of apache - this is working fine. My challenge is getting
cfexecute to restart apache in order to pick up the new configurations. Here
is what I have tried:

<!---now set absolute path to a file on the web server to reboot--->
<cfset script_path = "/Library/Apache2/bin/apachectl">
<!---now set arguments--->
<cfset script_arguments = "restart">
<!---now set absolute path to a file on the web server to act as a log;
something like--->
<cfset script_log = "/Library/WebServer/Documents/script_log.txt">
<cfexecute name="#script_path#" arguments="#script_arguments#"

So, it looks like apache is restarting - the problem I am having is that it
tries to spit out the file that the cfexecute is contained in, rather than
writing to the file in outputfile. I have manually created the
"script_log.txt" in the target directory, and have set permissions to allow
the file to be overwritten. But nonetheless, a window pops up asking me to
download the file that the cfexecute command is contained in. I have also
tried switching from outputfile to variable, and then dumping the variable
to a file, but I still have the same problem. To be frank, I really don't
need the file, its just a behaviour of cfexecute I need to manage. Any
thoughts on why it dumps? I thought of wrapping the cfexecute in
cfsavecontent, but don't think I should have to.


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