Hi Mike!

I am surprised that there isn't something already out there
commercially that does this. Given the many hours I waste on
this one task, such a tool would be worth $$ - if it really did the

Anyway, I guess I just need to take the time to do the same thing. I
just hate reinventing the wheel - though not as much as I hate wasting
my time on creating forms. :)

Michael David   

Monday, September 24, 2007, 5:11:10 PM, you wrote:

> I was going to say something similar to Justin.  I got to the point
> where i was hating the drudgery of writing the forms.  So i wrote a
> little app that interrogates a database table and writes a form that
> has an input field for every column in the table, making the
> appropriate input type for teh column spec.


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