I have a drop down menu which does add remove functions from 1 drop down to 
another , and aslo have up and down arrows which do the respective movement. 
Now I need to find a way how to update the sort order in the database if I move 
the item up/down. The application is written IN CF.
Here is my move script
 function moveUpDown(to) {
          var list2 = document.forms[0].requirements;
          var index = list2.selectedIndex;
          var total = list2.options.length-1;
          if (index == -1) return false;
          if (to == +1 && index == total) return false;
          if (to == -1 && index == 0) return false;
          var items = new Array;
          var values = new Array;
          for (i = total; i >= 0; i--) {
          items[i] = list2.options[i].text;
          values[i] = list2.options[i].value;
          for (i = total; i >= 0; i--) {
          if (index == i) {
          list2.options[i + to] = new Option(items[i],values[i + to], 0, 1);
          list2.options[i] = new Option(items[i + to], values[i]);
          else {
          list2.options[i] = new Option(items[i], values[i]);

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