I always like the people who use CFStudio because they say Homesite sucks ;)

On 10/9/07, Cutter (CFRelated) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> People still use HomeSite or CF Studio!?! (Cutter ducks from the flying
> objects) ;)
> Steve "Cutter" Blades
> Adobe Certified Professional
> Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer
> _____________________________
> http://blog.cutterscrossing.com
> Matt Robertson wrote:
> > or don't do tabs and use spaces exclusively.  Tell HomeSite/CF Studio
> > to convert tabs to spaces so you don't have to actually use the
> > spacebar.  I went that route after I wound up having to edit non-CF
> > code in HS and weird things started happening to the other code, whose
> > (primitive) native editor used spaces only, and whose interpreter
> > didn't figure on seeing tabs in the code like that.  Not sure if CF
> > cares much over the extra char count.
> >
> > Must be a slow day if we are all waxing eloquent on this utterly
> > worthless topic :D
> >
> > Oh and another variation on the tag thing:
> >
> > <cfmail
> >    to="#MailList.EmailAddr#"
> >    from="#MailList.EmailFrom#"
> >    subject="#MailList.EmailSubject#"
> >    server="#MailList.EmailServer#"
> >    type="HTML">
> >
> > I put the closing bracket on the same line as the last attribute.  woo
> hoo.
> >

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