Isn't that a bit like riding a bicycle instead of owning a car, because a car may 
break down.
I personally use IE, because it does more. if oyu look at netscape 6 they have  
obviously been looking to catch up to the goodies available in IE.
Now what will you do, stay with the old version on netscape?

Actually i lied i don't use IE  i'm a Neoplanet man (a skin to IE5.0)

maybe we need a recount

Mike Cartier

> ** Original Subject: Re: Netscape 6 out UGH!!!!
> ** Original Sender: "Justin Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ** Original Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 21:05:45 -0500

> ** Original Message follows... 

> > IE, while not everyone's most favorite, actually does tolerate developers
> > more. It allows for errors. Figures out what you were most likely trying
> to do.
> >
> > Netscape doesn't allow for that as much. But if you do exactly what it had
> > intended, then it could very well work better than IE.
> For me, this is the exact reason I stay with Netscape as my primary browser.
> By coding all my HTML and JavaScript for Netscape first, it's much more
> likely to work in IE with no problems than if I did the HTML in IE first and
> then tried to make it work in Netscape also.  There are some situations
> where this is not the case, but 99% of the time it saves me hours of
> development time because I never have to go back and rewrite half my
> HTML/JavaScript to make it compatible with both browsers.
> Our entire development team (except me) uses IE as the primary browser, and
> I can't even begin to count the number of times I've heard "!@#$%^&*
> Netscape!!" come from someone's desk because they thought the site they've
> been working on for days or weeks was done, but low and behold the display
> gets all screwy in Netscape and they have to spend another day fixing it.
> I see Netscape as the HTML equivalent to coding with "Strict Attribute
> Validation" turned on <g>.
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> Justin Scott :: [Staff Developer]
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>** --------- End Original Message ----------- **


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