No hacking necessary, just place your tags in /WEB-INF/cftags.

On 10/30/07, Nicholas Vacek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a way to add custom functions to ColdFusion, so that I can
> reference them without having to put them in a cfc or cfm page?
> For instance, I've written a simple, user-defined function. But I don't
> want to save it in the Application or Request scope, because it needs to
> be available within my CFCs - And I don't want to pass the function into
> every CFC, because that's a pain.
> I want my function to be available _everywhere_ within my application,
> just like a normal function. In fact, I'd like it if my function was
> available everywhere to every application, on my server. Is this
> possible? Has anyone ever hacked the ColdFusion core to add their own
> custom functions?

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