Well I had done this

But the problem I have is that I am getting output like this
   ID                    Time      Amount     
  1292BB85-06-11-07      12:29 PM  65    
  135CC94A-06-11-07      04:14 PM  65    
Totals                            $130.00   $130.00

  1292BB85-06-11-07      12:29 PM  65    
  135CC94A-06-11-07      04:14 PM  65
  136CD94A-06-11-07      04:14 PM  65    
Totals                            $195.00   $195.00   $195.00 

Its doing things correctly, but I am getting the total displayed the number of 
times that there are records.  I only want to display the total once not 
mulitple times.  IS there anyway of controlling this to limit it to display 
just once.

>> Hoe do you include a count after the books and before the next author 
>> name.
>Do you mean something like this?
><cfoutput query="getAuthorsAndBooks" group="authorname"> 
>  <b>#authorName#</b> 
>  <cfset bookCount = 0 >
>  <ul> 
>    <cfoutput> 
>      <li>#bookTitle#</li> 
>      <cfset bookCount = bookCount + 1>
>    </cfoutput> 
>  </ul> 
>  total books for this author (#bookCount#) <br>

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