Always use CAPTCHA or a variant when possible.
Check the referrer.
nofollow links and moderate, or nofollow unmoderated links.

--Ben Doom

Mike Little wrote:
> hi guys,
> it appears my addcomments.cfm page has become indexed in google. usually this 
> page is only accessed when a user goes clicks a link from the articles.cfm 
> page.
> so... because of the endless spam we are currently getting, i am assuming the 
> spambots are going directly to the addcomment page?
> now, i had an idea - what if on the addcomment page, i test that the user has 
> come from the articles page using CGI.HTTP_referrer??
> (i have also now added the addcomment.cfm page to my robots page and used the 
> google remove url tool).
> any thoughts would be appreciated.
> mike
> ps. we use the cffromprotect tool and it works brilliantly. 

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