Thanks for the remarks Claude.   I do fully understand the mechanics
behind why the error occurs.  I guess you could say my beef/confusion is

-- For once, CF doesn't have a pre-built way escape something and it
seems odd. (Although, it has been called an "edge case")
-- It is a rather sneaky gotcha' and no one seems to care-- Everyone
(almost) seems to be saying "yeah, so what?  That's TECHINCALLY right."

As vindicating as those remarks are, they don't help anyone solve the
problem.  Once again, it appears I always seem to expect too much from
ColdFusion.  :)

This whole conversation has reminded me of programmers diligently
defending their code by insisting "But, it's working as designed!!!".
Meanwhile, the users are saying, "That's great, but it still doesn't
help us solve the problem."

Although mentally stimulating, I would have preferred we wasted our
energy thinking how CF could be enhanced to assist in solving this
problem elegantly-- not arguing why it is "working as designed".  If
that means that jsstringformat should be left alone, and
htmlscriptformat should be built, then so be it.  

Maybe I should write a udf to sanitize strings to be safe for html
script tags.  How does that sound?


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