Thanks. Sometimes the query will have multiple messages to be displayed
with different messageIDs. Thus the reason I considered the dynamic
query method :-)

I will try isQuery but I think I have found that for some reason the
initial call is not creating the dynamic query itself.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Root [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 2:23 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Struct Issue

On 1/3/08, Adkins, Randy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here is the call to the getMessages function: (Yes it is set as an
> object)
> <cfset messageStruct =
> application.msgMgr.getMessage(attributes.messageId)>
> Now I can check it this way but at times it returns an error on the
> initial startup:
> <cfif messageStruct.recordcount>
>  ... blah blah
> </cfif>
> Here is the error returned:
> -----------------------------------
> You have attempted to dereference a scalar variable of type class
> java.lang.String as a structure with members.

This is pretty easy.  It means that SOMEHOW that variable
"messageStruct" contains a string and not a structure.

Based on the code in the function, it's hard to imagine how this
happens or why it would contain an string.

One thing you might do:

<cfif not isQuery(messageStruct)>
     --- send yourself an error message, report an error, etc ---
<cfelseif messageStruct.recordcount>
  ... blah blah

> TO clarify somethings:
> Yes the basic structure is created as a query (dynamic query)
> onApplicationStart:
> <cfset variables.systemMessageStruct =
> queryNew('message_id,message,messageType,IconSize')>
> <!--- Copy Dynamic Query to Session Scope --->
> <cfset session.systemMessageStruct = variables.systemMessageStruct>

I've had issues in the past with creating queries dynamically and not
adding rows... unfortunately I can't remember exactly what those
issues were.

> Any idea why it would return the error or a way I can prevent it? I
> not use IsStruct since it is a query rather than a true structure?

How about isQuery() =)

It might also be wise to either change the variable name to NOT refer
to struct, since it isn't a struct, *OR* convert the query returned -
since you're expecting only one row anyway to a real structure.

cflib has a nice QueryRowToStruct() function.

It's more efficient to access structure elements than elements of a
single-record query anyway so if you're accessing the contents of the
"struct" a lot, it makes sense to convert it to a REAL struct.

Rick Root
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