Even when we have updated a schema in the past the execution plan is trashed
and a new one is prepared and we do not experience any problems. Why would a
schema change multiple times in a day, there is agile and there is
ridiculous that seems to be treading on ridiculous. I've never experienced
an issue with local development either which I could see the schema going
through rapid changes during spikes.

Adam Haskell

On Jan 16, 2008 1:21 PM, Ben Mueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks, Jochem, for the reply.  I glanced at that call just briefly; does
> it clear *all* stored execution plans, or just a specified one?  It seems
> like the only way it would be useful in this context is if it cleared them
> all, since we have no way of knowing which plans are cached.
> A larger question is this:  isn't this a huge headache for everybody?  We
> update our site a lot--sometimes several times a day--and if having <cfqp>
> around means we need to add an extra step to our process of getting stuff
> out to our production servers, that just seems like a big pain.  Maybe I'm
> asking for too much here, but I suppose I would expect that if a cached
> execution plan bombed in SQL Server, it would automatically attempt to
> re-compile, under the assumption that the cached plan is out of date.
> Thanks again,
> Ben
> > The execution plan is cached in the database so there is no way CF
> > could
> > possible know it is cached, let alone the cache needs to be flushed.
> >
> >
> > > ....and it seems the only solutions are to cycle the CF service or
> > change any query (in some minor way) to force CF to create a new
> > execution plan.
> >
> > What you need is to flush the cache in the database server. Look into
> >
> > DBCC FREEPROCCACHE and its cousins.

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