God, so annoying.

So, let me see if I really have this straight.  Let's pretend I have a table 
called "user" that has two columns: firstname and email.  I write a query like 
this (shortened syntax):

SELECT firstname
  FROM user
 WHERE email = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="varchar" value=#form.email#>

MS SQL Server caches the execution plan.  Then, I add a "lastname" column to 
the user table.  I don't change the query at all.  I re-hit the query while the 
execution plan is cached.  It breaks?

Thanks again.

> > It sounds like the only time this is a problem is under the 
> following circumstance:  alterations to an existing DB table where a 
> related execution plan is stored in memory.
> Correct.
> > I'm mostly annoyed that this doesn't "just work".  Maybe that's 
> unrealistic of me, but I don't think it's unreasonable of me.
> It is a MS SQL Server issue. Oracle, PostgreSQL etc. do not have this 
> problem, they flush their cache on schema changes. So I agree that it 
> is 
> not unrealistic to expect that it would be handled automatically.

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