Regarding CF taking forever to read/parse large files:

CF used to load the entire file into memory when trying to read it. It was 
still doing this as of CF 6 & 7, but since it was then easier to directly 
invoke Java, large files could be better handled using

A client of mine had a 70+Mb inventory CSV that I had to load into MySQL. On CF 
4/4.5/5, this process took at least 40 minutes. When we upgraded to CF 6, I 
used the Java process and the import was down to less than 3 minutes.

CF 8 has incorporated into CFLOOP:

<cfloop file="C:\\test.txt" index="x" />

So now CF can read large files on the fly without the overhead from previous 

Also, many people don't know that MySQL can import CSV files directly if you 
have the correct access:



>Hi, all.
>I assume some of you work on Real Estate sites where
>you have to deal with a direct feed of data from MLS's.
>The direct feed for one of my Real Estate sites currently
>in development will be in the form of an FTP site, from which
>I can download a zip file with all files, including a tab delimited
>data file for properties and photos whose name will include broker's
>MLS numbers so they can be matched to properties.
>I will then import the tab delimited info and property filenames into
>an MySQL database, and place the property photos into the appropriate
>local server directory.
>This is something I've never attempted before and I'd like to know,
>first, if it's possible to automate this process so I don't have to
>update everything manually each day.
>If it is possible to automate the process, what tags should I look
>to employ to carry this out.  Not asking for any code (yet! :o), but
>just a bullet-point overview of the process.
>Then I can go and do some research on how to put it together.  But I thought
>I'd just pick some experienced brains concerning the basic procedure.
>Remember, I'm still thinking, for the most part in CF 4.5 terms, and there
>will be a ton of tags and functionality I'm not even familiar with. such as,
>I've never written or used a CFC! :|
>Thanks for any feedback on tags and, especially tutorial or blogs on the 

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