There's a setting for the AMF gateway that automatically cases the column
names to lowercase if you're interested. You can view the associated
configurations inside:

<CF install dir>\wwwroot\WEB-INF\flex\services-config.xml



-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Chiverton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 8:40 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Using __type__ to return objects to Flex

I'm playing with the method that seems to have been hiding from me for a
at :
to generate arrays of value objects based of a query, without using 
Here, I've given my function a 'results' query, and a 'queryObect' string:
                <cfset res=ArrayNew(1)> 
                <cfset props=arguments.result.columnlist>       
                <cfoutput query="arguments.result">
                        <cfset res[arguments.result.currentRow]=structNew()>
                        <cfloop list="#props#" index="prop">
res[arguments.result.currentRow][prop] = arguments.result[prop]
[arguments.result.currentRow]  >

Now, if I CFDUMP 'res', my 'prop's are correctly camelCased - just like in
query and the ActionScript object I'm aiming at.

*BUT* the "Serializing AMF/HTTP response" output in the ColdFusion log file,

indicates that all the keys of the struct have been changed to uppercase:
[Flex] Serializing AMF/HTTP response
Version: 3
  (Message #0 targetURI=/2/onResult, responseURI=)
    (Typed Object #0 'flex.messaging.messages.AcknowledgeMessage')
      timestamp = 1.201616773456E12
      headers = (Object #1)
      body = (Object #2)
        RESULT = "true"
        DATA = (Array #3)
          [0] = (Typed Object #4 '')
            CLAIMHANDLERADRESS = "Senior Legal Counsel  Group Head of Claims

20 Manchester Square  London  W10 3AN"

And, of course, I get errors in Builders debug console when debugging the
application (before the result handler is called) saying :
ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property CLAIMHANDLERADRESS on 

So, can __type__ not be used when properties are mixed case ? Or is there an

alternative approach I've missed ?
Tom Chiverton


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