Windows should be fine, you install CF to a locked down website in
IIS.  This is then the only website that has the Admin, other websites
added still use CF but there is no CFIDE/

However we have an issue on Linux and Apache, where we have done this
already, but if you were to access /CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm the
page still loads (without the images and CSS) does anyone know how to
turn this 'feature' off?

On my local machine I have 2 Virtual Hosts create like thus:

<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName root.default.lh
        DocumentRoot /home/jedi/Dev/Websites/default/webroot
<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName jedi.mysite.lh
        DocumentRoot /home/jedi/Dev/mysite/htdocs

In  /home/jedi/Dev/Websites/default/webroot I have a symbolic link to
the CFIDE setup, in /home/jedi/Dev/mysite/htdocs I dont.

So I am expecting root.default.lh/CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm to
work correctly, which it does, however I can also see and login to the
admin via jedi.mysite.lh/CFIDE/administrator which I dont beleive it

On the Windows box, I always get a File not found on the second URL....

Any thoughts?

On 05/02/2008, Don L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For cf8 on Windows platform, I wish it has an option of disabling remote 
> admin access, that is, an option to make 
> unavailable.
> I also wish, the cfadmin directory path is relative, hence, if one renames 
> the 'administrator' directory to something else, the admin can still work.
> Or am I missing something here?
> Thanks.
> aha, I just (in the last few seconds) figured something out, never mind but 
> hey since I'm at it now, why not hear others' opinions/thoughts on this thing?

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