
This is my first run at XML and it seems to be working well, aside from this 
particular problem.

We have a SWF file that references an XML doc stored in a table in one of our 
databases.  The SWF pulls everything just fine.

However, when I'm setting new variables and re-updating the XML, no matter 
what, it automatically escapes all HTML.

For example, here is a similar example of what the XML looks like when it goes 
into the database the first time:

<cfsavecontent variable="myXML">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <adbody><!CDATA[[Wow <b>What a deal!</b> <ul><li>blah</li></ul>Just 

INSERT INTO someTable(blah)
VALUES(<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#myXML#">)

Now when I initially build the XML like that, it will pass in any and all html 
I give it.  It inserts like it should.

But on subsequent updates, I update the values like such:

<cfquery>select xml value from table</cfquery>

<cfxml variable="xmlVar">#trim(theQuery'sXMLValue)#</cfxml>

<cfset xmlVar = xmlParse(trim(xmlVar))>


<cfset xmlVar.car.adbody.XmlText = "#New Value From Form Goes Here#">

After all of the cfsets, I do an update on the table and submit #xmlVar# again.

Everything else works and saves and does what it should.

But for some reason, I can confirm that:

1) The new form value holds unescaped html
2) Even referencing "xmlVar.car.adbody.XmlText" shows that variable holds the 
unescaped html

And yet, when I look up that row in MySQL, it shows ESCAPED html.

I dug a little further and found that:

xmlVar.car.adbody.XmlText = UNESCAPED HTML (correct)

xmlVar itself = ESCAPED HTML (incorrect)

So for some reason when I'm setting a value in the XML, it auto-escapes the 

Is there a better way to set XML variables?  Building the tree the same way 
it's done on creation isn't as easy because not all of the info comes across in 
a single form submission.

This way works fine, except when it comes to HTML.  I've searched and searched 
and have not yet found a function that will help me keep it intact.  CDATA lets 
it store and display correctly, but even the CDATA html gets escaped rendering 
it useless =/ 

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