Wow, I had no idea about the "Debug" mode.  It's nice to see what CF "sees" :)
Here's what was output (I wasn't sure *exactly* what was needed, so I copied as 
much as seemed pertinent...I trimmed anything that was repeating too much)  Let 
me know if there's something else that I need to change or more info that you 

[Flex] HttpFlexSession has not been registered as a listener in web.xml for 
this application so no events will be dispatched to 
FlexSessionAttributeListeners or FlexSessionBindingListeners. To correct this, 
register flex.messaging.HttpFlexSession as a listener in web.xml.
[Flex] Channel endpoint my-securecfamf received request.
[Flex] Deserializing AMF/HTTP request
Version: 3
  (Message #0 targetURI=null, responseURI=/1)
    (Array #0)
      [0] = (Typed Object #0 'flex.messaging.messages.CommandMessage')
        operation = 5
        correlationId = ""
        messageId = "001068F3-9EC6-DFDD-A4C5-37432AC68D25"
        body = (Object #1)
        clientId = null
        timestamp = 0
        headers = (Object #2)
          DSMessagingVersion = 1
          DSId = "nil"
        timeToLive = 0
        destination = ""

[Flex] Executed command: (default service)
  commandMessage: Flex Message (flex.messaging.messages.CommandMessage) 
    operation = cluster_request
    messageRefType = null
    clientId = 1EEAFD5F-720F-AAD1-4A98-D14C681F09FB
    correlationId = 
    destination = 
    messageId = 001068F3-9EC6-DFDD-A4C5-37432AC68D25
    timestamp = 1203517991826
    timeToLive = 0
    body = {}
    hdr(DSId) = nil
    hdr(DSMessagingVersion) = 1
  replyMessage: Flex Message (flex.messaging.messages.AcknowledgeMessage) 
    clientId = 1EEAFD5F-720F-AAD1-4A98-D14C681F09FB
    correlationId = 001068F3-9EC6-DFDD-A4C5-37432AC68D25
    destination = null
    messageId = 1EEAFD5F-7218-FBB1-C3D6-A984EF568F72
    timestamp = 1203517991826
    timeToLive = 0
    body = null

[Flex] Serializing AMF/HTTP response
Version: 3
  (Header #0 name=AppendToGatewayUrl, mustUnderstand=false)

  (Message #0 targetURI=/1/onResult, responseURI=)
    (Typed Object #0 'flex.messaging.messages.AcknowledgeMessage')
      destination = null
      headers = (Object #1)
      correlationId = "001068F3-9EC6-DFDD-A4C5-37432AC68D25"
      messageId = "1EEAFD5F-7218-FBB1-C3D6-A984EF568F72"
      timestamp = 1.203517991826E12
      clientId = "1EEAFD5F-720F-AAD1-4A98-D14C681F09FB"
      timeToLive = 0.0
      body = null

[Flex] Channel endpoint my-securecfamf received request.
[Flex] Deserializing AMF/HTTP request
Version: 3
  (Message #0 targetURI=null, responseURI=/2)
    (Array #0)
      [0] = (Typed Object #0 'flex.messaging.messages.RemotingMessage')
        source = "TestClassGateway"
        operation = "getAll"
        messageId = "BE545A8C-2563-069E-DCA8-37432AB6FBDE"
        body = (Array #1)
        clientId = null
        timestamp = 0
        headers = (Object #2)
          DSEndpoint = "my-securecfamf"
          DSId = "nil"
        timeToLive = 0
        destination = "ColdFusion"

[Flex] Before invoke service: coldfusion-flashremoting-service
  incomingMessage: Flex Message (flex.messaging.messages.RemotingMessage) 
    operation = getAll
    clientId = 1EEAFE1D-E008-1D8C-1417-19C0822F5EF4
    destination = ColdFusion
    messageId = BE545A8C-2563-069E-DCA8-37432AB6FBDE
    timestamp = 1203517991904
    timeToLive = 1203517991904
    body = null
    hdr(DSEndpoint) = my-securecfamf
    hdr(DSId) = nil

[Flex] Adapter 'cf-object' called 
'TestClassGateway.getAll(java.util.Arrays$ArrayList (Collection size:0)
[Flex] Result: 'Flex Message (flex.messaging.messages.AcknowledgeMessage) 
    clientId = null
    correlationId = null
    destination = null
    messageId = 1EEB00D0-CB0D-8B04-2C39-4837CFE66988
    timestamp = 1203517992187
    timeToLive = 0
    body = 
      {phone=, address2=, country=, __type__=TestClass, state=, email=, 
address1=, zip=, fax=, firstName=, city=, lastName=},
      {phone=, address2=, country=, __type__=TestClass, state=, email=, 
address1=, zip=, fax=, firstName=, city=, lastName=},
      {phone=, address2=, country=, __type__=TestClass, state=, email=, 
address1=, zip=, fax=, firstName=, city=, lastName=},
      {phone=, address2=, country=, __type__=TestClass, state=, email=, 
address1=, zip=, fax=, firstName=, city=, lastName=}
[Flex] After invoke service: coldfusion-flashremoting-service
  reply: Flex Message (flex.messaging.messages.AcknowledgeMessage) 
    clientId = null
    correlationId = null
    destination = null
    messageId = 1EEB00D0-CB0D-8B04-2C39-4837CFE66988
    timestamp = 1203517992187
    timeToLive = 0
    body = 
      {phone=, address2=, country=, __type__=TestClass, state=, email=, 
address1=, zip=, fax=, firstName=, city=, lastName=},
      {phone=, address2=, country=, __type__=TestClass, state=, email=, 
address1=, zip=, fax=, firstName=, city=, lastName=},
      {phone=, address2=, country=, __type__=TestClass, state=, email=, 
address1=, zip=, fax=, firstName=, city=, lastName=},
      {phone=, address2=, country=, __type__=TestClass, state=, email=, 
address1=, zip=, fax=, firstName=, city=, lastName=}

[Flex] Serializing AMF/HTTP response
Version: 3
  (Message #0 targetURI=/2/onResult, responseURI=)
    (Typed Object #0 'flex.messaging.messages.AcknowledgeMessage')
      destination = null
      headers = (Object #1)
      correlationId = "BE545A8C-2563-069E-DCA8-37432AB6FBDE"
      messageId = "1EEB00D0-CB0D-8B04-2C39-4837CFE66988"
      timestamp = 1.203517992187E12
      clientId = "1EEAFE1D-E008-1D8C-1417-19C0822F5EF4"
      timeToLive = 0.0
      body = (Array #2)
        [0] = (Object #3)
          phone = ""
          address2 = ""
          country = ""
          __type__ = "TestClass"
          state = ""
          email = ""
          address1 = ""
          zip = ""
          fax = ""
          firstName = ""
          city = ""
          lastName = ""
        [1] = (Object #4)
          phone = ""
          address2 = ""
          country = ""
          __type__ = "TestClass"
          state = ""
          email = ""
          address1 = ""
          zip = ""
          fax = ""
          firstName = ""
          city = ""
          lastName = ""
        [2] = (Object #5)
          phone = ""
          address2 = ""
          country = ""
          __type__ = "TestClass"
          state = ""
          email = ""
          address1 = ""
          zip = ""
          fax = ""
          firstName = ""
          city = ""
          lastName = ""
        [3] = (Object #6)
          phone = ""
          address2 = ""
          country = ""
          __type__ = "TestClass"
          state = ""
          email = ""
          address1 = ""
          zip = ""
          fax = ""
          firstName = ""
          city = ""
          lastName = ""
        [4] = (Object #7)
          phone = ""
          address2 = ""
          country = ""
          __type__ = "TestClass"
          state = ""
          email = ""
          address1 = ""
          zip = ""
          fax = ""
          firstName = ""
          city = ""
          lastName = ""

> On Wednesday 20 Feb 2008, Gareth Arch wrote:
> >         <target class="flex.messaging.log.ConsoleTarget" 
> level="Error">
> <target class="flex.messaging.log.ConsoleTarget" level="Debug">
> I've not tried it on 7 myself, but if Sean says it works it probably 
> does :-)
> -- 
> Tom Chiverton
> Helping to globally customize vertical interfaces
> on:
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