Thanks for taking the time to answer all of my questions...

I had been originally trying to do this in my main application, but seeing as 
that wasn't working, I set up a test environment.

I've created (all in my src folder of my Test Flex project)

In my gateway file I generate a struct VO.  The function I use is:

<cffunction name="buildStruct" output="false" access="remote">
        <cfset var i = 0>
        <cfset var obj = structNew() />
        <cfset var ret = arrayNew( 1 )>
                while (i lt 100) {
                        obj['__type__'] = 'TestClass';
                        obj['firstName'] = "";
                        obj['lastName'] = "";
                        obj['address1'] = "";
                        obj['address2'] = "";
                        obj['city'] = "";
                        obj['state'] = "";
                        obj['zip'] = "";
                        obj['country'] = "";
                        obj['email'] = "";
                        obj['phone'] = "";
                        obj['fax'] = "";
                        arrayAppend( ret, duplicate( obj ) );
                        i = i+1;
        <cfreturn ret />

I use a getAll function to return this newly created VO to my calling AS object

<cffunction name="getAll" output="false" access="remote">
        <cfreturn buildStruct() />

My TestClass.cfc has:
<cfcomponent output="false" alias="TestClass">
        <cfproperty name="firstName" type="string" default="" />
        <cfproperty name="lastName" type="string" default="" />
        <cfproperty name="address1" type="string" default="" />
        <cfproperty name="address2" type="string" default="" />
        <cfproperty name="city" type="string" default="" />
        <cfproperty name="state" type="string" default="" />
        <cfproperty name="zip" type="string" default="" />
        <cfproperty name="country" type="string" default="" />
        <cfproperty name="email" type="string" default="" />
        <cfproperty name="phone" type="string" default="" />
        <cfproperty name="fax" type="string" default="" />
                this.firstName = "";
                this.lastName = "";
                this.address1 = "";
                this.address2 = "";
       = "";
                this.state = "";
       = "";
       = "";
       = "";
       = "";
                this.fax = "";

My has

public class TestClass extends EventDispatcher {

(along with getters/setters and my constructor and function call to the 

When the data is returned back to AS from CF, it is still just an array of 
generic objects.  If I create CF objects and return them, they come back as an 
array of TestClass objects.  I also noticed that in the list of properties of 
the generic objects, __type__ is one of them.  If it's being converted, this 
shouldn't be there, should it?

>Sorry I guess I wasn't clear, you absolutely can return arrays of typed
>structs and have them converted for you. That's the main point of doing
>this. You can return thousands of objects in arrays, and it is ridiculously
>faster then creating cfcs, you do not need LCDS to do this.
>I mentioned the array because in Flex if you don't have an instance of the
>AddressBook object compiled into the app, it will come in as a generic
>object. But if it works when you return arrays of vos that were created with
>CreateObject, then that's not the problem.
>Is the AddressBook.cfc in your webroot or is it under some path?
>This :
>will only work (with this method) if AddressBook is in your webroot, if you
>use CreateObject it will work without the fully qualified path, but if you
>want to use this typed struct method you have to use the full path.
>So if your AddressBook is actually in com.vo.AddressBook then you have to
>struct['__type__'] = 'com.vo.AddressBook'
>Sorry if I am making it sound more complicated then it is, but it basically
>boils down to making sure your __type__ is fully qualified and matches your
>On Feb 19, 2008 5:15 PM, Gareth Arch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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