Naaa.. I mean we do have an error template but it normally fires with errors..
If I misspell something on a .cfm page, it displays all the error info.
I've just noticed that when there's something wrong within a CFC it just stops..

For example if I have a
<cfset qGroupsX = application.userGateway.getGroupsForUser(emplid =
'0012345')> <!--- error in here somewhere --->

<cfdump var="#application#" />

The output gets displays but no dump..

I have a login page that created the application.userGateway so it
could check security because the onApplicationStart in the .cfc
doesn't seem to fire before the login (not sure why). Anyways.. I
wonder if that was causing the error.. I wrapped it in a
<cfif structkeyexists(application,"userGateway")>
         ... create the application.userGateway

But I want to test... could 2 creates cause the problem? I would
really like some better error messages instead of CF just stopping
(only happens in errors within the CFC) what it's doing...

On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 3:31 AM, Tom Chiverton
> On Monday 03 Mar 2008, Greg Morphis wrote:
> > No, no aborts.. and yeah.. it returns something..
> > Something's wrong because like I said CF stops processing..
> Do you have a per-application or server wide exception handler that could be
> swallowing the error it looks like it must be throwing ?
> --
> Tom Chiverton
> Helping to authoritatively conquer guinine m-commerce
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