I remember getting that error when trying to complete a
long-running cfftp request.

It's been awhile, and I'm not sure what actually solved the issue,
but I did look back at the file and remember adding
<cfsetting requesttimeout="60000">
to the code at the top of the page.

Perhaps setting a high requesttimeout will help.

If I think of something else, I'll pass it on to you.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Randy Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2008 12:15 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: weird issue in browser with cf8 and long execution times
> Hello,
> I am running CF8 Standard.
> I am running a page that takes a few minutes to run.   After a certain
> amount of time a gray box will popup and ask me to save the index.cfm file
> or open it.  When I open it or save it the file is always blank.
> When this happens it looks like the page is done executing in the browser
> but if you look in the task manager you see that JRUN is still using the
> CPU.  I have also confirmed that the page is still running by doing a
> refresh in Navicat which shows that more rows are being added to the
> database table.
> The page is reading an XML file, parsing it and then looping over to insert
> data into the database.
> Has anyone seen this before or know what I need to do to stop it from
> happening?
> Thanks!
> Randy

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