thanks eric, when i tried this is said '+' cannot be recognised - i even tried 
putting it as you say but inside quotes, and also tried a val function wrapped 
around. just seemed that no combination worked with it

>It looks like my postings aren't making it to the list again...your problem
>was that you had the +1 inside the # signs ie #query.recordcount+1# when it
>should be #query.recordcount#+1  The first is looking for a variable named
>"query.recordcount+1" that doesn't exist.
>/*-----Original Message-----
>/*Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 3:14 PM
>/*To: CF-Talk
>/*Subject: Re: query2excel
>/*GOT IT!!!
>/*i managed to fool it seeing as the + 1 wasn't working
>/*i added an empty row into the query <cfset queryaddrow(finalQuery)>
>/*and it then had the same affect as finalQuery.recordcount+1 and it went
>/*through fine :)
>/*thanks for all your help and suggestions, this must be a bug in this
>/*component and i will def look at the other component suggested on here for
>/*enhanced flexibility
>/*thanks again

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