Guess I should have explained since the topic is shifting this direction.

I don't have to worry about whether their JS is turned on.  It is for a 
Intranet web site that I have control over what browsers and browser settings 
are being used.

I just need to find the best functions in CF8 to accomplish my goal.  So far it 
looks like I have to brush up on my javascript to get CF8 to do what I want.

I will check out the link you sent.

So far I have the following,  but I need to switch it to a form instead of a 
hyperlink and somehow get the text input into the ColdFusion.navigate function. 
 I think I can do this with javascript.

<!--- The Callback handler puts text in the window.cfm callback div. --->
<script language="javascript">
    var mycallBack = function(){
        document.getElementById("callback").innerHTML = "<br><br><b>This is 
printed by the callback handler.</b>";

<!--- The error handler pops an alert with the error code and message. --->
    var myerrorhandler = function(errorCode,errorMessage){
        alert("[In Error Handler]" + "\n\n" + "Error Code: " + errorCode + 
"\n\n" + "Error Message: " + errorMessage);

<cfdiv id="w1">
    This is a cfwindow control.<br><br>
    <a href="javascript:ColdFusion.navigate('searchTest.cfm?query=White 
        mycallBack,myerrorhandler);">Click</a> to navigate Window 2</a>

<cfdiv id="w2">
    This is a second cfwindow control.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rey Bango [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 12:23 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: ajax submit form

Hi Chad,

You'll hear some good advice about properly using Ajax-based 
technologies and the advice I can give you is to look at "progressive 
enhancement". It's ensuring that your application works as expected 
using traditional development methods and then gradually enhancing it to 
leverage JavaScript, DHTML and Ajax. In your case, it appears that 
you're halfway there since you already have a working search form. The 
next step is to begin adding the JavaScript, DHTML and Ajax gradually 
until you get the desired effect that you, all the while ensuring that 
your page still functions when JS is not enabled.

I would urge you to look up the topic before wandering too far into 
making substantial updates:


Chad Gray wrote:
> Does amazon stock these "magic AJAX wands"?  :)
> Sorry for the ambiguous question.
> I looked up CFDivs and binding and there are possibilities here.  I just need 
> to do some more reading.
> <cfform>
>       <cfinput name="queryString" type="text" value="plates white">
> </cfform>
> <h3>Results</h3>
> <cfdiv bind="url:searchTest.cfm?query={queryString}" id="theDiv">
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 10:45 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: ajax submit form
> On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 9:18 AM, Chad Gray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> There are so many options it seems to use Ajax now in CF8.
>>  Here is what I want to do, what is the best way to achieve it?
>>  I have a search form that submits to an action page and displays results 
>> out of a database.
>>  I don't want to re-write my pages, I just want the submit to not refresh 
>> the page and return the results on the same page as the search form.
> Hold a magic AJAX wand over your code and say the magic spell:
> "Bawitdaba da bang a dang diggy diggy diggy said the boogy said up
> jump the boogy"
> Sorry. You will have some rewrite to do and unfortunately there is not
> a "best" way. You need to look at cfajaxproxy. There are many other
> ways to do this without using CF8's ajax abilities too but using a
> javascript library such as scriptaculous, prototype or jQuery.

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