>>I don't want to re-write my pages, I just want the submit to not 
refresh the page and return the results on the same page as the search form.

I've done something similar without Ajax.
There are two main problems if you do it in Ajax:
1º robots like Google do not see the sub pages your site displays. In 
your case,
    this may not be a problem if you only use it for search results, but 
in mine it was.
2º the back-forward buttons in the visitor's browser are ineffective, 
which is quite frustrating for the visitor.

The idea was to replace the DIV where you display the result by an IFrame,
but iFrame s do not integrate nicely in the page they are part of, they 
do not resize easily,
generate ugly scroll bars, yurk...

So finally, I use an invisible iFrame.
Instead of calling the server by Ajax, I just set the SRC attibute of 
the iFrame to
call the template, just like I would do in Ajax.
This is done in an regular <A tag with an onclick event.
In the HTML sent back by the template, there is a call to some 
parent.onload function.
This function simply copies what's in the body and pastes it in the DIV 
supposed to be updated.

It is like magic:
1º Google can sea the links, thus index all sub-pages.
2º the step which consists of changing the address of the iFrame is 
stored in the cache by the browser,
then the back an forward buttons operate normally.

REUSE CODE! Use custom tags;
See http://www.contentbox.com/claude/customtags/tagstore.cfm
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