We have this new application to generate ~1300 pdf letters using 
<cfreport> functionality.  To streamline the processing, <cfthread> tags 
where used to asynchronously process 10 reports at a time, witting each 
finished report to a file.  This feature worked just fine during small 
scale testing creating up to 100 reports.  But when first attempting to 
run all 1300 reports the ColdFusion came crashing down with JRun 
out-of-memory errors.

We dived into the CF8 server monitor to see if we could get a hint on 
what was actually happening.  The first thing I see is that in 'REQUEST 
STATISTICS > Active ColdFusion Threads" is that all the threads created 
by this process never died.  Repeat a run and more threads are created, 
but none of them die.  Then looking at "MEMORY USAGE > Memory Usage 
Summary" we could see that as these perputual threads where created more 
and more memory was being gobbled up by the JVM and never being released.

So this started us down a path to tune our JVM to make better use of the 
servers resources and throttle the process so that these 1300 reports 
could be made with these resources.  We added some code that seemed to 
cause the threads to be closed, but the JVM memory would still grow and 
grow until failure.  We then made some tweeks to jvm.config suggested in 
the previous discussion and the first thing is that another process, 
that previously worked fine, stopped running.  I restored the original 
default JVM settings and this other process started working again.  I 
then, piece by piece, modified the JVM configuration as suggested and 
got something that does not prevent the running of current code.  But 
not our problem code is creating un-dieing threads again.


# Arguments to VM
java.args=-server -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false 
-XX:PermSize=192m -server -XX:+UseParallelGC 
-Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=60000 -server

<cfinclude template = "scripts.cfm">
<cfset Application.DSN = LIC_DSN>

<cfset pathDate = #DatePart("yyyy", Now()).toString()#/>
<cfset pIssueDate = #PadDateSegment(DatePart("m", Now()))# & "/" &
  #PadDateSegment(DatePart("d", Now()))# & "/" &
  #DatePart("yyyy", Now()).toString().substring(2)#>

<!--- GET RENEWAL ID --->
<cfstoredproc procedure="REPORT_UTILS.getBatchRenewals"
  dataSource = "#LIC_DSN#">
  <cfprocresult name = ResultFirms>

<!--- REPORT --->
<cfset threadList = "">
<cfloop index = "i" from="1" to="#ResultFirms.recordcount#">
  <cfset threadList = listAppend(threadList,"batchRenew_thread#i#")>
  <cfthread name="batchRenew_thread#i#" threadIndex="#i#" action="run">
      <!--- GET RENEWAL ID --->
      <cfset vRenewalSeq = ""/>
      <cfstoredproc procedure="REPORT_UTILS.getRenewalSequenceId"
        dataSource = "#LIC_DSN#">
        <cfprocparam type="out" variable="vRenewalSeq" 
      <!--- PATH ---> 
      <cfset pathDate = #DatePart("yyyy", Now()).toString()#/> 
      <cfset vOutputFilePath = RENEWALS_FILE_PATH/>
      <cfset vOutputFilePath &= pathDate & "\"/>
      <cfset vOutputFilePath &= 
Trim(#ResultFirms["firmno"][threadIndex]#) & "\"/>   

      <!--- CREATE OUTPUT PATH --->
      <cfif DirectoryExists(#vOutputFilePath#) is False>
        <cfdirectory action="create" directory=#vOutputFilePath#/>
      <!--- FILE NAME --->
      <cfset vOutputFilePath &= GetFileName()/>
      <!--- BUILD REPORT --->
      <cfreport template="ren.cfr" format="pdf" overwrite="yes"
        <cfreportparam name="pFirmNo" 
        <cfreportparam name="pIssueDate" value=#DateFormat(pIssueDate, 
        <cfreportparam name="pRenewalId" value=#vRenewalSeq#>
      <!--- INSERT RENEWAL --->

      <cfstoredproc procedure="REPORT_UTILS.insertRenewal"
        dataSource = "#LIC_DSN#">
        <cfprocparam type="in" value=#vRenewalSeq# 
        <cfprocparam type="in" 
value=#ResultFirms["firmno"][threadIndex]# CFSQLType="CF_SQL_NUMERIC">
        <cfprocparam type="in" value=#pathDate# CFSQLType="CF_SQL_NUMERIC">
      <cfstoredproc procedure="REPORT_UTILS.insertRenewalProductsForFirm"
        dataSource = "#LIC_DSN#">
        <cfprocparam type="in" value=#vRenewalSeq# 
        <cfprocparam type="in" 
value=#ResultFirms["firmno"][threadIndex]# CFSQLType="CF_SQL_NUMERIC">


<cfthread action="join" name="#structKeyList(cfthread)#"/>

<cfloop list="#structKeyList(cfthread)#" index="thread">
    <cfthread action="terminate" name="#thread#"/>

<p>BLAH <cfoutput>#timeformat(now(),'HH:MM:SS:l')#</cfoutput></p>

Anybody have any suggestions?

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