G'day Dave,

Thanks for your thoughts.   Once you read it, i think you'll see the
tutorial does actually explain the terms.

At the end of the tutorial, readers will have seen examples of
encapsulation, used the variables scope and var scope, and hopefully
seen the difference between them, cfqueryparam, init() methods,  seen
the benefits of isolating all queries to a single file, designing
forms for multple uses, and getting used to the notion of reusing
code.  Also passing arguments into a method using objects rather than
just simple strings or numbers.   I have tried to make the terms sneak
up on them rather than be up there and obvious.

My main point was that when i was getting started in understanding OO,
i felt so frustrated because for several weeks, every time i thought i
had a glimmer or understanding, someone would explain something to me
and use yet another term i didnt understand.  I felt (rightly or
wrongly) that some people were delibierately answering that way so
they could show off, rather than enlighten me.   It took me quite some
weeks to get over that feeling.

It was probably my own shortcoming  rather than anyone else's, but i
very nearly gave it all away and went back to procedural code.
Looking back now from a distance of about 2.5 years, I'm SOO glad i
didnt go back!

Thanks for your input Dave.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 8:53 PM, Dave Watts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> For those following this thread ...  I've put the step-by-step
>> tutorial I mentioned earlier on my company's web site.
> That's very nice of you!
>> And it's been written to specifically AVOID the use of all that OO
>> jargon like 'encapsulation' and 'model-view-controller'.    It's
>> written in terms that people experienced with the more
>> traditional procedural code mehods in ColdFusion will understand.
> I haven't looked it over yet, but from reading your description I can only
> make one recommendation.
> You don't want to avoid those terms. If you want to understand OO, you need
> to understand what those terms mean, so you can carry on conversations with
> people who do know those terms and understand what they're talking about. I
> agree that you shouldn't explain things only with those terms, but once
> you've explained the fundamentals of encapsulation (which you'll do whether
> you use the word "encapsulation" or not), you should wrap that part up by
> explaining that this is what people mean by "encapsulation".
> For all I know, you are doing that, and I don't want to come off as overly
> critical. After all, it's better than any OO tutorial I've posted anywhere.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> http://www.figleaf.com/

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