thanks dominic,

I ran your code and the results between setting variable blocks with cfscript 
or using cfset varied from trial to trial. Some times cfscript was faster, 
other times cfset.

Anyhow in a nutshell it confirms my initial idea, that it isn't really a major 
issue. In the end it depends on personal style, readability and other user 
factors as to which is preferred when setting large blocks of variables..


>I ran your code a few times on my machine (XP Pro) and got varying
>results; sometimes the cfscript was faster, sometimes cfset. Try this
>code out instead, it performs a single test on both cfscript and cfset
>for each iteration and records a tally of the time taken for each -
>this spreads the test and reduces variance due to the varying state of
>the computers processor, etc. So far I always have cfscript as
>slightly faster:
><cfset iterations = 1000000/>
><cfset scriptTotal = 0>
><cfset cfsetTotal = 0>
><cfset scriptResult = 0 />
><cfset cfsetResult = 0 />
><cfloop from="1" to="#iterations#" index="i">
>       <cfset tick = getTickCount()>
>       <cfset cfsetResult = cfsetResult + i />
>       <cfset cfsetTotal = cfsetTotal + (getTickCount() - tick)>
>       <cfscript>
>                tick = getTickCount();
>                scriptResult = scriptResult + i;
>                scriptTotal = scriptTotal + (getTickCount() - tick);
>       </cfscript>
>       <legend>CFSCRIPT</legend>
>       <p><cfoutput>#scriptResult#</cfoutput><br/>
>       <cfoutput>Execution Time: #scriptTotal#ms</cfoutput></p>
>       <legend>CFSET</legend>
>       <p><cfoutput>#cfsetResult#</cfoutput><br/>
>       <cfoutput>Execution Time: #cfsetTotal#ms</cfoutput></p>

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