Those out of office messages are a real menace.    I once worked for a
company where the customer service dept worked mon-fri 8.30-5pm and
near the end of Friday afternoon a customer service person sent a
message to a customer,   set his out of office message,  then flipped
his computer off and went home for the holiday weekend.

His message went to someone who had just done the same, so his
computer automaticalyl sent back an out of office message.     The CD
person's account recognised the incoming message and sent his
out-of-office message to the customer, which recognised the message
coming in and sent his own out-of-office message which arrived at our
server, which sent out our CD rep's out-of-office mesage which ....
 ok you get the idea.  These two servers spent a happy 3-day weekend
sending out-of-office messages to each other around the clock.

When our network guy came in about 9am on Tuesday,  he was greeted by
an office full of grumpy people because they couldnt send or receive
emails.  In fact there were a lot of things that wouldnt work.   "The
network's broken!!"  was the cry.  "My computer wont do anything!".
"I can't send emails!"  or my personal favourite .. "The internet is

For me as a contractor, with specific responsiblity that didnt include
managing the network, i got to smile a wry smile and sit back as i
watched the network guy wrestle with a server that had no disk space
remaining.   And every time he cleared space, it promptly filled again
with another fifty bazillion messages waiting to come in.  It took him
till after midday before the flow of out-of-office messages finally
stopped and order was restored to the network.

The first decision of the next day's IT committee was to ban
out-of-office messages.

ColdFusion content :   I was there working independently on a side
project using CF4.2.  It was during this project that i read my first
copy of CFWACK.   One ofhte best IT technical books i've ever read.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 8:27 PM, Kamru Miah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Dan, I don't deal with the email server side of things, but my friendly 
> system admin told me that we use the open source vacation mail responder, 
> which parses the message header and blocks any email that has 'Precedence: 
> bulk' in it, before passing the message to the email server. I believe we use 
> 'Debian-3sarge3' based email server. The email blocking is a built in feature 
> of the vacation mail responder. So, all you have to do is enable this feature 
> in your system. Hope that helps! Kamru
>>What email server are you using Kamru?  Is that a custom field you built
>>into your email server, or a built-in one?
>>Kamru Miah wrote:

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