
It would still be helpful if you could post a dump of the form scope so 
we can see the structure of the data being passed into your template.  
We would likely be able to provide you with more intelligent suggestions 
than from looking at your query alone.


Rachel B wrote:
> Well i wanted to thank both of you for the help, an i was able to solve my 
> problem. By putting a counter in it i am able to accomplish my goal. the only 
> thing i got to figure out is why it doesn't put the correct information into 
> my 2nd serial. Like it i fill out 2 serial numbers and press submit, it puts 
> the first line of information correct, however, where ever i have counter in 
> my code, instead of putting what i put for the 2nd serial it puts what i put 
> for the first serial.
> heres an example
> serial number: 61 ticket no:606 product type: all
> serial number: 61 ticket no:606 prodcut type: all (although i put desktop in 
> here it says all like in the first one).
> but here is a copy of my code in case anyone else runs into a similar problem 
> as me. again thank you both for helping me.
> <cfloop index="x" list="#Form.serialnum#" delimiters=",">
> <cfset counter=1>
> <CFQUERY Name="serial" DataSource="CustomerSupport">
>    exec usp_CS_Insertserial 
> '#x#','#Form.ID#','#Form.modelno#','#ListGetAt(Form.producttype,counter)#','#Form.softhardware#',
> '#Form.resolution#','#Form.resdate#','#Form.resvertified#','#Form.vertifidate#','#Form.deptvendor#','#Form.hardwarefailure#','
>    #Form.rma#'
>    </CFQUERY>
>    <cfset counter=counter+2>
>  </CFLOOP>

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