Hello, I have run into a situation where PayPals "add to cart" buttons are not going to work for me. So I am looking for ideas on how to accomplish this.
The item I am trying to sell is a business card. So I want the user to fill out Name, Email, Phone etc then add the item to their cart. PayPal buttons can only take 3 options I will have about 10 things I want to track about the item added to the cart. So I thought I would store the info to be printed on the business cart in a database and assign it a UID that I would pass to PayPal so I could look up what the user typed in. Well, I have it so they fill out the form and enter their info then submit it to a CF page that enters the info into the database. On this page I would like for the UID of the item to be added to the PayPal cart. I have tried submitting the PayPal "add to cart" form with javascript with OnLoad in the Body tag, but I get pop-up warnings and don't want the user to have to worry about pop-ups. I have tried using <cfhttp> to post the data, but the cart does not function right. It is like the cart gets a new session and does not track the items in the cart right. Must be a cookie thing or something. Anyone have ideas on how to accomplish this? Here is my cfhttp code. Maybe I need to change something in this to keep the cart data? <!--- display page to link to action page ---> <a href="PayPalTest.cfm?item_name=Business Card1&item_number=12345">card 1</a> <a href="PayPalTest.cfm?item_name=Business Card2&item_number=12346">card 2</a> <!--- action page that needs to submit to paypal ---> <cfhttp method="post" url="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr"> <cfhttpparam name="add" type="formfield" value="1"> <cfhttpparam name="cmd" type="formfield" value="_cart"> <cfhttpparam name="business" type="formfield" value="#yourPayPalEmail#"> <cfhttpparam name="item_name" type="formfield" value="#URL.item_name#"> <cfhttpparam name="item_number" type="formfield" value="#URL.item_number#"> <cfhttpparam name="amount" type="formfield" value="25.00"> <cfhttpparam name="shipping" type="formfield" value="10.00"> <cfhttpparam name="no_shipping" type="formfield" value="2"> <cfhttpparam name="currency_code" type="formfield" value="USD"> <cfhttpparam name="weight" type="formfield" value="1"> <cfhttpparam name="weight_unit" type="formfield" value="lbs"> <cfhttpparam name="lc" type="formfield" value="US"> <cfhttpparam name="bn" type="formfield" value="PP-ShopCartBF"> </cfhttp> <cfoutput> #cfhttp.fileContent# </cfoutput> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial http://ad.doubleclick.net/clk;203748912;27390454;j Archive: http://www.houseoffusion.com/groups/CF-Talk/message.cfm/messageid:309861 Subscription: http://www.houseoffusion.com/groups/CF-Talk/subscribe.cfm Unsubscribe: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/unsubscribe.cfm?user=89.70.4