As far as what I have done with the data, it isn't the best solution but it 
works... The biggest problem I encountered is a 1 minute page processing limit 
at HostMySite, so what I have done is wrote a script to go out and grab the 
data and write it out to a file, then I import it chunk by chunk (scheduled 
task that runs every 30 mins) until i have imported the entire file. I then go 
out and grab a new file. This process takes about a day with the RETS server I 
am hitting, and with the RETS queries I'm using (which result in about a 50,000 
record recordset). 

In general, the biggest hurdle I encountered was handling the HTTP 
authentication via Coldfusion (which i believe is why CFX_HTTP5 was used for 
the CFC solution). 
After that, it was just a matter of playing around with parameters until I got 
the result i wanted. 

-- Jake

>> I have a CFC encapsulating all the necessary functions
> > to interface to RETS v1.5. I've also built it around
> > CFX_HTTP5 which is much faster and more robust than the
> > CFHTTP tag.
>What does it do with the data once downloaded?  Is this code available 
>in some form?

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