
Maybe I should have stated:

"Not even SVN can automatically decide what changes to make live and what
not to make live, between developer changes"

As stated, if I have 2 changes one has to go live and the other is not
ready. Another developer has made a change, but this change is also not
ready to go into production.

Can SVN decide to automatically decide what has to go live and what does

Senior Coldfusion Developer
Aegeon Pty. Ltd.
Phone: +613 9015 8628
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-----Original Message-----
From: denstar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 12 August 2008 10:23 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: SVN in Production

On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 6:09 PM, Andrew Scott wrote:
> Brian...
> A statement like this means you are not very good at your job.

Hey, we're all learning and whatnot, Andrew, cut the man some slack! :-)

> There is no way to automatically merge changes, I mean even SVN can't do
> that between developers and its a manual process to update and merge
> changes.

SVN really DOES automatically merge changes.  That's one of the cool
things about it (The Book[], is awesome!)

> Brian, if you have been developing and using SVN heavily and making minor
> changes to websites as explained there is no way in hell I would employ
> if you told me what you said below.

I think you are thinking "in the box", as in, your way is the "right
way", when really, there are many ways.

You actually don't seem to be taking advantage of some of the more
"rock'n" aspects of SVN.

> As much as I am one who looks to reduce work load, file sync is and will
> always be a manual process when it comes to migrating small changes.

Oy!  I think, as Dave sorta said, it's those little incremental
changes that are exactly the type of thing you'd want captured in some
type of "history", if you will.

I *really* *really* love having our config files in SVN-- we can stand
up a new server much much faster-- I do have a comment on /etc files,
and how we do it, but I'll address that some[time|where] else.

Well... anyways, guess that's it.

DeN <3 Subclipse

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