> Personally, I'd slap canvas on there, and that way you really control
> the code, even if you don't need to, yet.
> http://canvas.riaforge.org/
> I'm still torn between making people learn wiki-eese, or using
> FCKEditor tho...
> But hosted deals seem to be not unpopular, so, whatever floats the
> boat, man!

Thanks Den ... I have considered putting canvas on there... I don't know
that I'm ready for there to be anything people need to log in for on the
official site just yet... and throwing a cf wiki on there, even though
it might be Ray's Canvas kind of opens up a can of worms I really am not
in a rush to get into. It's not a problem with Canvas, but rather that
as soon as Canvas is on there, then I've got to start working on a
single-sign-on system... and that's going to lead to many hours working
on things that I'm afraid are going to detract from the goal of growing
the community. 

and while it would be easy enough to build a wiki myself using the
framework, I keep finding myself running into a bunch of problems with
the hosting because of their security sandboxing... which yes, I know,
I've always promoted the framework as being workable in a shared-hosting
solution, and yes indeedy, it's working there right now, but the
sandboxing has proved a bit challenging for the ORM. 

I can't complain too much though, because this hosting account was given
to me by the good folks at HostMySite in support of the broader
ColdFusion community. :) 

Anyway, I'm not dead set against using Canvas or even building my own
Wiki ... or for that matter even installing the Trac wiki... I'd prefer
not to, but ultimately I want to do what's going to be best for the
community irrespective of my personal preferences. 

Thanks again, 

s. isaac dealey  ^  new epoch
 isn't it time for a change? 
     ph: 781.769.0723


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