Have a look at sIFR - http://wiki.novemberborn.net/sifr

Uses JavaScript and Flash to dynamically replace text headings with
the desired font. It degrades gracefully so that user agents with no
flash or no javascript will just get the text. Search engine friendly
and no additional markup in your headings, and because it's Flash the
text is still selectable. The only actual Flash you'll need to do is
to export the font file (and that's a pretty simple process).

We use it on almost every site we create these days - check out the headings on


On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 9:52 PM, David Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a client who must use Scala Sans for their Titles and still wants 
> everything dynamic. As I explained over and over again that Scala Sans is not 
> universally available on every computer and that every time they want to have 
> a header it would have to be an image, I am trying to find a dynamic solution.
> One thought is that I insert a stylesheet.cfm to apply some dynamic css into 
> all my websites. Is there any CF solution to apply some kind of text to image 
> conversion for anything that has an <h3> heading or if I searched on an id or 
> anything? I know nothing of <cfimage> yet and was wonderig if there was 
> something in it that would create a text image solution or anything else...
> Ideas, thoughts, solutions others have used. Clients you have shot trying to 
> explain this to.
> ~David G. Moore, Jr.

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