Do you honestly think that with a year developing coldfusion under
your belt, that you know all there is to know that's worth knowing?

If so, then it's time to find a new career or a new branch of this one.

However I suspect that in truth you've barely scratched the surface.
If you're only doing the same things day after day, you're probably
not gaining any experience.    Perhaps you need some different
projects to work on.   Ask your boss to assign you something different
or something a bit more challenging.  IF that isnt a possibilty, then
perhaps you should look to work somewhere else.

But before you do anything drastic, i suggest you do this:    Pull up
some code you worked on a year ago.   Have a look at the way you did
whatever it was..   would you do it the same way now if you were given
that job today?    If so, you havent learned nary a thing in that
time.   If not, you can now see how far you've come.     Those of us
who have been coding ColdFusion for a while (and for me it's more than
a decade) can still look back a year and see how we've changed our
methods in teh last year.

What i'm saying is,  apply this little test to yourself.   If you're
not growing in your development skills, it's no wonder you think you
have learned all you need to know, and you need to get out of your
comfort zone and expose yourself to new problems to solve.

I really find it hard to believe that after only a year, you're at the
limit of your skills, and there's nothing new you can learn

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
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