Might not be the suggestion that you like, but I always find myself pretty
much a pointed person. Why would you quit your job? I like to think that
with the proper persuasion, you can get companies like the one you were
working for to come around to your way of thinking and get them to try and
experience new ways of doing things. The company I worked for was dead set
on using this ancient dinosaur of an application, but once I was able to
show them what the new world could look like they were excited at the
prospect of change. You have one year of CF under your belt and in order to
get those great wages and great contracts you really need at least five
years of solid CF development. You look like a young guy, so time is on your
side. Find a halfway descent CF job and keep it until you have the
experience to move on to bigger and better things and take the time whiole
you are there to learn other languages.

Good Luck


On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 3:23 PM, Phillip M. Vector <

> Umm.. Get more years of CF under your light belt? :) 1 year experience
> won't really help much when it comes to your career.
> henry ho wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm lost in my career path and I need your advice.  What should I do
> after a year of CF under my light belt?
> >
> >
> http://henrylearnstorock.blogspot.com/2008/08/life-as-new-coldfusion-developer.html
> >
> > Please give it a quick read and I'd really appreciate if you can leave me
> a comment on the blog to enlighten me.
> >
> >
> > Thank you very much, sorry for posting a non-technical question.
> >
> >

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