On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 11:11 PM, s. isaac dealey wrote:
> TDD is on my ever growing list of things to tackle. :) Not something I'm
> doing currently, but it is something I plan to do at some point.

It's cool, really, to have the computer do stuff it can do, while
you're doing other stuff, so to speak.  I like the idea of self-tests,
actually, but I'm not quite "there" yet.

> Hopefully it will also help when I start getting into TDD.

Maintaining the tests is what's hard for me.  I don't do it right, so
I have to update them, instead of the other way around.

I'm sure if you've got some structure going there, writing tests and
whatnot will not be too hard.

It's actually switching over, to where the tests come first, that's
the hard part, for me.  Due to a lot of the reasons listed in that
article about big balls of mud.  :]

I might never do it, and just move to a higher level modeling
language, and then just generate tests for stuff.  Naw, I guess I've
already sorta started using tests to flesh things out.  I can't tell
you how impressed I am with packages that have huge test suites... but
I love watching stuff do other stuff, sorta.  Those green or red marks
churning by are titillating.

Gives you a sense of confidence (false, of course, and moreso with
poorly written tests, but still pretty swell ;] ).

> Speaking of the big ball of mud I actually did sit down the other day
> and read through the entire article written by Brian Foote and Joseph
> Yoder. It's an interesting read and while it's not all entirely
> practical (at least not right away), I think there's some good wisdom to
> keep in mind in there.
> Full article at http://www.laputan.org/mud/

It's a fun one.  Every time I come across it I read some/most of it
again.  Nice to see the problems laid out simply, with some, as you
said, good ideas for handling them.  Thanks for the link.

I'm sorta thinking that there should be some ways to automate a lot of
test creation.  Or a way of flipping the problem on it's head...
something like introspection combined with a metasploit sorta deal...
hmm... sometimes the things I come up with are just pie in the sky
(or, not well thought out, conversely), so I feel bad writing tests
and stuff before I know the idea will work, but I should stop that.
Freaking throwaway code!  But hey, maybe I'm just planning on tossing
at least the first version of everything.  =]

Well, this is getting well off the framework versus path.  Although,
this is exactly the stuff frameworks are on about, ain't it? Sorta.
Apologies anyways, folks.  |-}

The key to wisdom is this - constant and frequent questioning, for by
doubting we are led to question and by questioning we arrive at the
Peter Abelard

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