> What I have to do is click on a link in my email,
> which takes to to an web page that uses an ftp url 
> (ftp://datalink.interealty.com/....)

MLXchange certainly allow direct access to their FTP server.  I wrote a
routine that downloads IDX feeds daily and it's fully automated.  I can't
send you the full code (you know, the whole copyright and work for hire
stuff) since it's owned by the client, but here are the pertinent parts (not
optimized since this is just a small chunk of a vast empire of code; watch
for line breaks)...

// Set our variables.
variables.ftp_server = "datalink.interealty.com";
variables.ftp_username = "anonymous";
variables.ftp_password = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
variables.ftp_folder = "/DataLinkOutput/yourPathHere/";

<!--- Get a file list from the server. --->
<cfftp action="open" connection="datalink" server="#variables.ftp_server#"
username="#variables.ftp_username#" password="#variables.ftp_password#"
<cfftp action="listdir" connection="datalink" name="remoteFiles"
directory="#variables.ftp_folder#" stoponerror="yes">
<cfftp action="close" connection="datalink">

At this point you'll have a remoteFiles query which you can loop through to
either download the individual files with CFFTP, or, in our case, generate
an FTP script and pass it to a command-line FTP utility to handle the actual
file transfers (I found that to be more stable over time with the larger

Once downloaded, unzip, import and enjoy.  For anyone else interested in the
trials and tribulations of the MLS system we are talking about, I wrote a
short novel about it in my blog.

Justin Scott, http://www.tlson.com/

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