Thanks for the info, Justin!

I'll work on that and try to make it work.
Hopefully this will work...I hate to think that I might
have to download the data manually every day!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Justin D. Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 9:49 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: How to access files on an ftp url that doesn't allow direct ftp 
> access?
> > What I have to do is click on a link in my email,
> > which takes to to an web page that uses an ftp url
> > (
> MLXchange certainly allow direct access to their FTP server.  I wrote a
> routine that downloads IDX feeds daily and it's fully automated.  I can't
> send you the full code (you know, the whole copyright and work for hire
> stuff) since it's owned by the client, but here are the pertinent parts (not
> optimized since this is just a small chunk of a vast empire of code; watch
> for line breaks)...
> <cfscript>
> // Set our variables.
> variables.ftp_server = "";
> variables.ftp_username = "anonymous";
> variables.ftp_password = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
> variables.ftp_folder = "/DataLinkOutput/yourPathHere/";
> </cfscript>
> <!--- Get a file list from the server. --->
> <cfftp action="open" connection="datalink" server="#variables.ftp_server#"
> username="#variables.ftp_username#" password="#variables.ftp_password#"
> stoponerror="yes">
> <cfftp action="listdir" connection="datalink" name="remoteFiles"
> directory="#variables.ftp_folder#" stoponerror="yes">
> <cfftp action="close" connection="datalink">
> At this point you'll have a remoteFiles query which you can loop through to
> either download the individual files with CFFTP, or, in our case, generate
> an FTP script and pass it to a command-line FTP utility to handle the actual
> file transfers (I found that to be more stable over time with the larger
> files).
> Once downloaded, unzip, import and enjoy.  For anyone else interested in the
> trials and tribulations of the MLS system we are talking about, I wrote a
> short novel about it in my blog.
> --
> Justin Scott,

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