You need to make sure form.field contains a valid column and kill the query
if it doesn't. Your use of evaluate is not the worst thing about this sample
query (ha).

Try this......

 <cfset colList = "col1,col2,col3"/>

<cfquery name="getPhysicianRecords" datasource="#DSN#">
        SELECT *
        FROM Contacts
        WHERE Contacts.ContactType = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_CHAR"
        <cfif listfindnocase(colList,form.field)>
                AND     Contacts.#form.field = <cfqueryparam
cfsqltype="CF_SQL_CHAR" value="#form[form.field]#"/>
                <!---  ensure the query will fail --->
                AND 1 = 2
        ORDER BY Contacts.LastName

Mark A. Kruger, CFG, MCSE
(402) 408-3733 ext 105

-----Original Message-----
From: David Moore, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 9:04 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: How NOT to Evaluate (moved from cfset so not to confuse topic)

Ray wrote:
> As someone who used to always pounce on folks for using evaluate, I>
believe I remember reading recently a blog entry from an Adobian that>
points out that evaluate is not nearly as slow as it used to be.> > Now when
I recommend against Evaluate I do so on readability terms> rather than
performance. For almost every use of evaluate I see in the> field, the code
can be rewritten in a cleaner, easier to understand> manner.
How then would you approach the following without Evaluate, because it was
the only way I could get it to work: (oh, let the fun begin, the shame. I
probably committed at least 7 deadly sins alone. And yes, I am using Access.
Moan. Laughter.) In my ever growing need to expand my knowledge base (and
look less like an idiot to this list) HELP? It's a query that accepts
information from a Search field to run a query.
<cfquery name="getPhysicianRecords" datasource="#DSN#">SELECT *FROM
ContactsWHERE Contacts.ContactType = 'Physician' 
 AND Contacts.#FORM.Field# = '#Evaluate("FORM.#FORM.Field#")#'ORDER BY
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