actually i must also say that i am not cfinvoking a cfc, i am actually invoking 
a web service, would this make any difference, and if so then how can i get it 
to provide me with more details? thanks

> thanks for the reply Dan, although that is a problem i do have at 
> present and as you rightly said it is trying to a reference complex 
> variable as a simple variable
> although this actual issue is not my problem. my problem is finding 
> the offending code that has this issue. once i can find the offending 
> piece of code then i will be able to fix it.
> my problem is that i am using cfinvoke to invoke a method in one of my 
> cfc's. that cfc method uses lots of other methods to complete its work. 
> but when i use the cfinvoke the tag context in the resulting error 
> stops at the cfinvoke tag. so the only detail i get of the error is 
> about the complex variable trying to be treated as a simple value. but 
> it has no reference as to what function it is in or what line of code 
> the offending error is occuring.
> is there a way i can get it to show this?
> thanks
> richard 
> >The problem is that you are trying to treat a complex object as a 
> simple
> >value.
> >
> >Take the following example. I am creating array that holds 2 values. 
> If I
> >were to dump it everything would be fine but If I tried to output it 
> like
> >below I would get the same error you are.
> >
> ><cfset skills = ArrayNew(1)>
> ><cfset arrayAppend(skills,"ColdFusion")>
> ><cfset arrayAppend(skills,"JavaScript")>
> >
> ><cfoutput>#skills#</cfoutput>
> >
> >This is because the compiler does not understand what you are trying 
> to do.
> >If you want to see the string representation of this object you could 
> always
> >use the toString() method.
> >
> ><cfoutput>#skills.toString()#</cfoutput>
> >
> >Hope this clears it up a little.
> >
> >Thank You
> >Dan Vega
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >> 

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