To answer your question CF has an install that works wonderfully and
in 64bit no less on the new dualcore macbooks.

You would also need Apache but that already comes with Leopard
preinstalled. Just turn on "Web sharing" in the system preferences.

But yeah the OSX platform has been great for developing.


On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 5:06 PM, Tiffany Trott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well before 1999 I was a complete and total MacHead...back then when I
> started CF dev it really only ran on windows so I slowly, begrudginly made
> the switch. Now with the chance to pick up a MB or MBP I was excited to see
> I could run CF and its goodies on it. Just need to know what I need to be
> looking for to have the dev machine I want.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave l [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 2:48 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: Sorta OT: Setting up CF on a MacBook
> If you will be working with photos then get the mbp for the extra horsepower
> & larger screens.
> I am very much not a windows fan so my opinion is biased but I don't think
> there is a better dev machine than a mbp, you can do everything from one
> machine.
>>I am in the market for a new laptop and am thinking abot grabbing a
>>MacBook, more for my photography business and editing, than anything
>>else. But Isaw the recommendation of a MacBook Pro for a development
>>work station and was intrigued. I have been away from the development
>>world for a while and am now back full time so I know I have missed some
> things.
>>What would I need to make a MacBook (or MB Pro if that is the better
>>choice) into a decent development machine?
>>Thanks in advance!
>>Tiffany Trott
>>Coldfusion Developer
>>American Residential Communities
>>Phone: 303-383-7532
>>Efax: 303-749-3005

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