Okay, never mind.  I was reading the Version 6 docs here (first one that 
came up on a Google search for me):


but the version 7 and 8 docs clearly state that it's milliseconds.  
Explains a lot.




Dan LeGate wrote:
> Yes, I have noticed that too!  The more attributes I request, the less 
> records I get back, usually.
> The queries return in just a second or two, so I'm amazed that this is 
> a "timeout" issue.  I had it set to 500, which I thought was seconds, 
> however when I changed it to 5,000 I got almost 300 records (out of 
> the 433 total), and then I upped it to 150,000 and now I get all the 
> results!  Amazing!  Is the "timeout" attribute in milliseconds, or 
> seconds?  All the docs I've read says seconds.
> Dan
> Aaron Rouse wrote:
>> I have this happen to me quite often and cranking the time out only 
>> helps to
>> a point.  In my case I figured out what the max I normally could get 
>> is and
>> then subtracted from that to be on the safe side.  Then I run multiple
>> queries to get the data.  I have noticed that the amount of 
>> attributes also
>> effects how many you get back.
>> On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 6:16 PM, Barney Boisvert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>> wrote:
>>> I've seen that behaviour when the query times out.  It just returns
>>> whatever it's collected in within the timeout period and gives up.
>>> Only solution I found was to crank up the timeout value until that
>>> didn't happen anymore and hope for the best.
>>> cheers,
>>> barneyb
>>> On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 4:13 PM, Dan LeGate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> I have a CFLDAP query that seems to be giving me a different number of
>>>> results every time I search for the same text with the same filter,
>>>> attributes, etc.
>>>> Has anyone seen this behavior?  Here's the code:
>>>>        <cfldap action="QUERY"
>>>>              name="GetResults"
>>>>              attributes="#OfficialAttribs#"
>>>>              filter="(#searchfield#=#ThisSearch#)"
>>>>              start="dc=ourdomain,dc=edu"
>>>>              scope="SUBTREE"
>>>>              TIMEOUT="500"
>>>>              port="#port#"
>>>>              server="#LDAPServer#"
>>>>              username="uid=#LookupID#,ou=People,dc=ourdomain,dc=edu"
>>>>              password="#LookupPass#">
>>>> This is a Sun LDAP server (v5.2).
>>>> When I run queries with the command line tools I get the same results
>>>> every time.  I get 433 results every time w/the built-in and
>>>> command-line tools.  But with CFLDAP I get 100 on one attempt, then 
>>>> 92,
>>>> on the next, and so on.
>>>> REALLY strange.  I have verified that the values of the variables 
>>>> above
>>>> are identical between requests.
>>>> Anyone seen this?
>>>> Dan
>>> -- 
>>> Barney Boisvert
>>> http://www.barneyb.com/

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