I have in my DB under the field of answer...

We have currently #users.recordcount# players signed up with this site 
that your event would reach. While it may not be many in the pure view, 
if 7 come to your convention, that would pay for our services (Figuring 
the room costs a total of $200 and you charge $30 for admission). Any 
above that can't hurt your bottom line.

exactly. The #users.recordcount# as well.

When I run this code..

<cfoutput query="FAQ">
        <div class="FAQAnswer">

It shows #users.recordcount# (with the pound signs) and not 32 like I 
would think it would.. I tried also just putting #FAQ.Answer#, but that 
doesn't work either.

How do I make CF treat data it pulls from the DB as variables and not a 

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