hello ladies and gents.
long time, no cf-talk... quick cfselect question for ya... thanks!

                Billing rate:
                <br />
                <cfselect name = "billingRateID_fk" query="request.billingRate"
value="id" display="name (value)">

that will not work, because of the two values in the display attribute.
what can i do to show two values there in that attribute, since i
really kinda need both for the user to see.
i supps i could just concatenate it on the database side, but if that
wasnt possible, how would i do it?

this works...

                Billing rate:
                <br />
                <cfselect name = "billingRateID_fk" query="request.billingRate"
value="id" display="value">

and this works...

                Billing rate:
                <br />
                <cfselect name = "billingRateID_fk" query="request.billingRate"
value="id" display="name">

but i just cant get the name and value, values in the attribute...

thanks for any help!


-- tony

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