yeah thats what i did :)
but i was just wondering if there was a cf way around it... thanks!

-- tony

Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.
-- siddhartha gautama

On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 10:23 PM, Azadi Saryev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> create a column in your query that concatenates the data you need and
> use that column in the display attribute of cfselect:
> <cfquery name="request.billingRate" ...>
> SELECT id, name, value, name + ' (' + value + ')' AS name_value
> FROM...
> ....
> </cfquery>
> <cfselect name="billingRateID_fk" query="request.bilingRate" value="id"
> display="name_value">
> note: concatenation syntax is db-specific - check your db manual for
> correct syntax to use!
> hth
> Azadi Saryev
> Tony wrote:
>> hello ladies and gents.
>> long time, no cf-talk... quick cfselect question for ya... thanks!
>>               Billing rate:
>>               <br />
>>               <cfselect name = "billingRateID_fk" query="request.billingRate"
>> value="id" display="name (value)">
>>               </cfselect>
>> that will not work, because of the two values in the display attribute.
>> what can i do to show two values there in that attribute, since i
>> really kinda need both for the user to see.
>> i supps i could just concatenate it on the database side, but if that
>> wasnt possible, how would i do it?
>> this works...
>>               Billing rate:
>>               <br />
>>               <cfselect name = "billingRateID_fk" query="request.billingRate"
>> value="id" display="value">
>>               </cfselect>
>> and this works...
>>               Billing rate:
>>               <br />
>>               <cfselect name = "billingRateID_fk" query="request.billingRate"
>> value="id" display="name">
>>               </cfselect>
>> but i just cant get the name and value, values in the attribute...
>> thanks for any help!
>> thanks
>> -- tony
>> Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.
>> -- siddhartha gautama

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