There is no easy way to convert .NET code to CF code. They are
entirely different frameworks that use different approaches to
creating Web pages. Rewriting that small sample of code in CF could
take a couple of hours even if you were skilled in both technologies.

-Mike Chabot

On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 8:37 AM, Toby King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there
> I have a really tricky task to try and complete.
> I have been handed an application to build an integration from the CF 
> application to a CRM application.
> Basically here is what I am trying to do
> Basically I have a form which has been created
> Collects data from a user - namely First Name, Postcode, Email Address, 
> Favourite Hair Colour with four possible selections, and also a check box - 
> Do you like icecream (yep I know very complicate.
> I want to capture this information and integrate the answers with the CRM.
> I have some sample code (from .Net I think but have no idea what it is trying 
> to do.
> Hoping someone might be able to shed some light onto how I convert the .Net 
> code to CF.
> Here is the code below:
> Imports Traction.Integration
> Imports Traction.Integration.DataObjects
> Imports Traction.Integration.Result
> Imports Traction.Integration.TractionTypes.CustomerAttributes
> Imports Traction.Integration.TractionTypes.CustomerAttributes.Default
> Imports Traction.Integration.Result.Errors
> ....
>    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As 
> System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
>        'instantiate a new SurveyDataObject using the web.config configuration 
> "MySurvey1"
>        Dim SurveyResponse As New SurveyDataObject("MySurvey1")
>        With SurveyResponse
>            'customer details
>            With .Customer
>                'default attributes
>                .FirstName.Value = txtFirstName.Text
>                .Email.Value = txtEmail.Text
>                'custom attributes are pre-defined in the web.config 
> configuration;
>                'in this case there is only one custom attribute (postcode), 
> which is a text attribute
>                CType(.CustomAttributes(0), TextCustomerAttribute).Value = 
> txtPostcode.Text
>                'validate and handle any errors before posting to Traction
>                If .Validate.Length > 0 Then
>                    'pre-post error handling if the Validate method returns 
> any errors
>                End If
>            End With
>            'match key is email
>            .MatchKey = 
> TractionTypes.Enumerations.Traction_MatchKeyEnumeration.E
>            .MatchValue = txtEmail.Text
>            'survey responses:
>            'list boxes and dropdown boxes should return the sequential option 
> number per Traction,
>            'not the option text
>            .Questions(0).Answer = lbxHairColour.SelectedValue  'e.g. "2", not 
> "Brunette"
>            'check boxes should return the string representation of the 
> Checked boolean property
>            .Questions(1).Answer = cbxIceCream.Checked.ToString 'e.g. "True"
>        End With
>        'perform the post
>        Dim MyResult As SurveyResult = Post.SurveyPost(SurveyResponse)
>        'examine the result
>        If MyResult.Success Then
>            lblResult.Text = "Thanks for entering!"
>        Else
>            'handle error conditions
>        End If
>    End Sub
> Thanking anyone who replies.

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