We call stored procedures using cfqueryparam:
<cfquery datasource="DSN" name="SomeQuery">
EXEC StoredProcName
@ParamName = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"

On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:49 AM, Marie Taylore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Question... the more I read about CFQUERYPARAM the more it seems it
> mitigates many of the problems that using stored procedures also solves.  I
> realize with stored procedures you have a lot more power in terms of SQL
> scripting, but for basic queries, is CFQUERYPARAM just as fast as (or
> faster
> than) running CFSTOREDPROC?
> For a CFSTOREDPROC vs CFQUERYPARAM "debate" what would be the "better
> thans"
> on each side of the argument?
> A few I can think of off the top of my head would be:
> Stored Procedures - can contain advanced SQL & procedural code.
>  Encapsulate
> code outside of you application for a layer of abstraction.
> CFQUERYPARAM - allows non-DBAs to take advantage of pre-compiled queries,
> providing speedier and more secured code.  You can "encapsulate" much the
> same way a stored procedure does with CFCs.
> Would love to hear from others on the advantages/disadvantages of each
> Thanks!
> Marie
> keywords for searching: cfprocparam vs cfqueryparam, cfqueryparam vs
> cfprocparam, cfprocresult, cfquery, cftransaction, cfupdate, cfinsert

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